Tips & tricks on how to make the best Reels

If you’re somewhat active in social media, you know that video – and more specific Instagram Reels – is the place to be right now. Apart from just being fun, they have more benefits than you can count. Want to make top tier content? After reading these tips and tricks, you’ll be making Reels that’ll leave your followers reeling (you know we had to include this pun).

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Influencer marketing trends 2022

It’s always good to plan ahead, but it’s even better to do so with an informed mind. That’s why we like to update you on all the biggest influencer marketing trends at the moment and make our predictions for the following year.

These last two years, brands had to do a 180 and show us just how quickly they could adapt, with some creative results – mainly thanks to the flexibility of the influencer. Let’s see what 2022 will bring us.  

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WEBINAR – Why influencer marketing goes beyond advertising

In this webinar, we go over all the different ways that influencer marketing can benefit your business. More specifically: why brands that commit to influencer relations beyond advertising, are winning. Our experts provide their insights, go over the benefits and answer a variety of questions.

If you want to start 2022 off on the best foot or improve your campaigns in general, this is the webinar for you.

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The importance of creating authentic content

In the fast-paced world of the internet, great authentic content will always have to be a constant. But how do you consistently ensure that you’re making great content? By sticking to one of the biggest pillars of content creation: authenticity. (Fyi: the other ones are relatability and know-how – two topics you can read up on right here)

It might’ve become a bit of a buzzword, but don’t underestimate its power. Authenticity makes all the difference between followers and an engaged community and if you commit, it can mean immense growth. Here’s how you can get there.

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Collaborate don’t dictate

Dear all, when working with influencers collaborate, don’t dictate!

Great content is made up out of multiple components. Sure, it’s often consumed in a matter of minutes – or even seconds -, but behind the scenes it can easily take hours. Content as a result of influencer marketing is no different, especially if the process doesn’t exactly go smoothly. Oftentimes, believe it or not, the disruptive factor is… the brand itself. Allow us to explain.

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How to make sure you get paid on time as an influencer

If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve already had to ask for an overdue payment in the past, you’re currently experiencing it or you’re preparing for the day you will. It’s a good thing you’re here because after reading this, it will never happen to you again.

You can bet your bottom dollar that almost every influencer out there has had similar issues. But just like it isn’t okay for you to miss a deadline, it isn’t okay for them to miss their payment date.

Here are some valuable tips to make sure it never happens to you (again)!

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End of the year influencer campaigns – close the year with a bang!

The most wonderful time of the year is (almost) upon us. The holiday season is always an important time for brands, but now even more so. With uncertainty around in-store shopping and consumers’ spending plans, your online and social strategy should be more thought-out and solid than ever. Now is the time to create some extra eye-catching content to close the year with a bang.

How? With influencer content. Influencers can bring you closer to your target audience and vice versa.

Sounds good? Great. You should start right away, because…

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Myths about influencers / working with influencers

In this blogpost, we want to take the time to debunk some stubborn myths about influencers, and rather focus on all the benefits they can bring to your brand. For starters, they can increase brand awareness, help you grow your social following, directly impact sales and so on.

A small group of people can give an entire community a bad rep, and the same goes for the influencers. There’s a reason why the word alone has gotten a bit of a negative connotation. Of course there are some bad apples (aren’t there always?), but that shouldn’t scare you out of working with influencers altogether.

Let’s dive in and debunk some myths about influencers.

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Video as a growth hack

What is so nice that you have to say it twice? No, we’re not referring to the viral ‘moto moto’ video (although we will bring that up again later, so take note). We are talking about our plea to create video content and using it as a growth hack.

A couple of months ago we first wrote about the benefits of creating video content. If that blogpost – in some miraculous way – didn’t manage to convince you, we sure hope this one will, because once and for all: you 👏 should 👏 be 👏 making 👏 video 👏 content. It is THE growth hack of the moment. Here’s why.

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