Are you having trouble to grow, build and maintain your brand’s presence on social media? Then, why not learn your lesson from social media’s finest: the influencer. They build an online presence for a living! In this blog post, we’ll explain how you can involve them to give your brand a nice boost.

Let’s make one thing clear off the bat: connecting with influencers and learning from them should be an important part of any brand’s strategy. It’s one of the most powerful ways to advertise your products/services right now because it’s the modern version of word-of-mouth marketing.

The right match

An influencer can truly help you grow your following overnight. Since they’ve already spent a lot of time building their audience, they understand their followers and can help you create content that resonates with them. In addition, their followers trust their opinions.

In other words: they can send an extremely targeted group of potential customers your way.

This is why you should start by finding the exact right influencer for your brand (check out our step-by-step guide!) and trusting their expertise. Because while you may know your product or service best, they know their followers best. They know what works with their audience, so they’ll know how to get the results you want.

Next, you can…

  • Invite them to contribute to your account

One of the ways you can guide people to your account is by letting an influencer contribute to it. For example: let them do a take-over, which means they’d create content for your account for an entire day (or whatever time you agree). They’ll promote the take-over on their channel as well, which will send followers your way.  

It’s a great mutually beneficial strategy to drive traffic to and from one another.

  • Sponsored content

Another way is to ask for access to their platform by means of sponsored content.

After agreeing on remuneration and guidelines, you could give them a product to try out or let them use your services. In return, they’ll post about it on their socials and add a tag/link/hashtag to send their followers your way.

  • Create a referral program

A referral program is a great way to measure ROI from a campaign directly. The most effective strategy is giving influencers their unique promo code or sharing a promotional link. That way, when they share this with their followers, you can tell exactly where every visitor is coming from.

It’s not only great to measure immediate results, but you can also review the influencer’s actual influence.

  • Run a contest or giveaway

Organizing a contest or a giveaway, whether on your socials or theirs, is one of the best ways to create some immediate positive buzz. It will make people curious about you and lead them to your profile or website. Everybody loves free stuff, right?
  • Host a live

Another great way to garner attention these days is to host live in cooperation with an influencer. Let them interview you, or vice versa. Then, come together to create some engaging content for both your followers.


A well-thought-out influencer strategy can grow your following, amplify brand awareness, garner sales, and even turn your company into a household name.

To achieve the best of the best, you will need the perfect combination of the right influencer, platform, and strategy. Luckily, Influo can help you with this.

Our hub is filled with how-to guides and other educational content. On top of that, you can always request to talk to someone one on one. So whether you’re starting from scratch or looking for some extra guidance: we’ve got a solution for you.