What a great time to be a creator! Instagram’s latest update, Instagram Collabs, massively changes the game for branded content. Because while we can’t be totally positive about everything Facebook – sorry, Meta – does, one thing is for sure: they keep rolling out great features. Want to know how to supercharge your engagement? Keep reading!

We previously wrote about Instagram and their plans for the future, and honestly, they’re killing it. Instagram ‘Collabs’ is another incredibly solid and smart update. Similar to Reels, there are truly no cons to this new feature. In fact, it’s a total gamechanger.

What does the ‘Collabs’ feature do?

Obviously, branded content in itself is nothing new – influencers and brands have been collaborating since the beginning of the app. But thanks to this new feature, you can now co-author your joint content.

That’s right, no more double posts or reposts: Instagram ‘Collabs’ lets you invite another account to collaborate so that your shared, co-authored content can appear on both profiles simultaneously, with both of your handles appearing above the post.

So instead of only reaching your respective audiences, you now reach both at the same time. We weren’t lying when we said it was a total gamechanger.

What are the main benefits?

Like we stated above, reposting and duplicating content are a thing of the past, which is nice in and of itself.

Most of all though, ‘Collabs’ allows you to share in each other’s success: all of your joint likes, shares, comments and views will be united and appear on the same post. You get to reap the rewards of one piece of content to two whole audiences, allowing you to double your reach and engage with each other’s communities.

Want to see your metrics go through the roof? This is the way.

Apart from that, it improves partnership transparency even more. In one look, your audiences get all the information. ‘Collabs’ gives full credit to everyone involved, while also improving both of your reach, engagement and brand awareness. It’s the definition of a win-win scenario, and all it takes is one tap.

We’re not even kidding, it’s truly that simple.

How do you use ‘Collabs’?

You can just start uploading your post as usual, and in the final screen go to ‘Tag people’. There, in the bottom right corner, you’ll see an option to ‘Invite Collaborator’. Search and choose the account you’d like to collaborate with. Then, share the post as usual. Your collaborator will receive a request in their DM’s, and the post will not appear until they’ve accepted it.

Worth mentioning: the ‘Collabs’ feature is currently available for feed posts and Reels. At present, you can collaborate with one person at a time.

Plus, if you notice that you don’t have access to it yet, hang tight, Instagram is still in the process of rolling it out. You’ll be able to use it soon, and in the meantime, you can already start thinking of ideas and looking for interesting brands to collab with! Influo is happy to help.