WEBINAR – How to build an effective influencer marketing strategy

This webinar will help you build a powerful influencer marketing strategy. Our expert panel talks about practical tips on how to do this. If you aim to close the year with a bang or to have kickass campaigns in the future. Let Influo be your co-pilot to your destination in influencer marketing.

Here are a couple of interesting facts we want to highlight.

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Back to life – in-person events and campaigns post-lockdown

*Back to life, back to reality* We’re not talking about the Soul II Soul song – ok maybe a little bit because duh – but mostly we want to discuss post-covid campaigns and events that require in-person presence again. With vaccinations rolling out and covid rates decreasing, we find ourselves wondering: will social gatherings be the same as before? Can you just… start organizing them again?

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Using links on IG (without 10K followers)

By now, you’ve probably noticed that Instagram has bid farewell to the notorious swipe-up function. May it rest in peace. Since the newest update, links can be added to stories in the form of clickable buttons. Though they’re still not a privilege for anyone to enjoy: only accounts with more than 10K followers can include a link in their story. Luckily, there are some snazzy tips and tricks for those who aren’t there (yet).

Let us show you the way!

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Focus on niche: travel influencers

Now that international travel is slowly but surely starting back up again, let’s talk about one of the biggest players in today’s travel industry: the travel influencers. They seem to live the life we all dream of, but how do they do it? And more importantly: could they mean something for your brand?

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Talking to your followers – how it can help you grow your community

What is social media, if not social? Social networks aren’t meant to work as a one-way ticket. We’re all active on them to connect with other people. Nowadays, it’s even more than ever about having meaningful conversations and finding your communities. As a creator, you should be investing in building your own community and interacting with your followers. Start right now, by reading up.

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Organic reposts (ugc) vs branded content ads: difference and benefits

As a brand with a successful online presence, it’s important to stay on top of your social media marketing strategy. The goal is to consistently put out great content that highlights your product/services. But let’s be honest, it can get difficult to be creative all the time. Luckily there are some amazing options out there to help you, two of them being organic reposts and branded content. What’s the difference? And which one benefits/matches your strategy best? Let’s dive in.

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Creating content: stepping outside your comfort zone

Just like a lot of things in life, inspiration ebbs and flows. One minute, ideas are popping up left and right, the next you find yourself in a rut, or even worse: a – content-related -dry spell. So before you grab pen and paper to start a good old brainstorm, keep on reading.

It’s good – nay, great – to take some risks from time to time. The saying might be cliché, but it sure is true: life happens at the end of your comfort zone. It turns out, so does really fresh, new content. Not only is it fun to try new things, but it can also benefit you in the long term.

Let’s dive in with these five tips on how to step out of your comfort zone and update your regular content.

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The art and importance of professional communication

It might be cliché to say, but in all aspects of life, communication is key. Whether it’s your personal or professional relationships: an open line of communication ensures the best basis for a smooth day-to-day life. It also makes any possible conflict that arises faster to resolve.

Logically, it’s easier to express yourself clearly to your partner or friend than to a business liaison. So how do you go about this? How can you create a work environment where you can be comfortably honest? How do you communicate professionally?

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How long is social media content relevant

Whenever you post something on social media, there is a certain period of time before it disappears in the constant stream of content that is uploaded every single second. This makes a lot of brands and influencers feel like they have to post constantly in order to keep up, but nothing is less true: posting too much can bore your audience and cause them to unfollow. Then again, posting too little means less reach, making it harder to grow your following. So, what is the magic combination?

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Focus on niche: mommy and family influencers

Mommy influencers, and more generally family influencers, are without a doubt one of the biggest players in the social media world right now. In just a couple of years the range of different profiles within this influencer subcategory has exploded. Why? Because they offer a very specific relatability: the highs and lows of being a parent and raising children in this modern world.

If you work with the right family influencer, you can reach an incredibly targeted audience. This makes them very interesting to incorporate in your marketing strategy. Keep reading to find out more.

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