Focus on niche: eco & sustainability

In recent years, sustainability has become a full-on lifestyle, and rightfully so. With climate change affecting our planet and thus our lives, the general need to make more conscious choices has intensified worldwide. Logically, this has had a huge impact on brands and the way they go about their business. And in the influencer marketing industry, it has even brought forth a whole new niche: the sustainability influencer.

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How to write the perfect caption for your post

Writing a good Instagram caption can be challenging. It’s impossible to get those creative juices flowing every single time, especially if you’re an influencer who has to post regularly. Because a good caption not only has to catch the eye, it also needs to keep your audience engaged. And let’s be honest: sometimes you just want to post a nice picture without having to rack your brain for twenty minutes.

Good thing you can avoid all writers’ block with our foolproof tips. Keep on reading!

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5 tips for brands on how to talk to an influencer

The world of influencer marketing can be a wonderful one; if you know how to navigate it. Influencers these days are in-demand people who have excelled at what you need: reaching their audience and connecting with it. Of course, you can be a part of their success story as well, but they are busy, so knowing how to approach them is a huge benefit. Allow us to help.

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5 tips for creators on how to approach a brand

Whether it’s your full-time occupation or a lucrative side hustle: making money on social media sounds like a dream. Most influencers have to work years on their like and follower counts before they get to this stage, but we don’t think that’s necessary. We believe it’s all in the approach. Want to know how to reach out to a brand successfully? Keep on reading.

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Where did the likes go?

How Instagram hiding likes impacts influencer collaborations

Instagram – and social media in general – is often criticized for its effect on our mental health. In reaction to this scrutiny, the platform is trying to find ways to lift some of the pressure around their much-debated ‘reward system’: the likes.

More recently, they’ve been experimenting with hiding likes altogether. But what does that mean for the myriad of brands and influencers doing business via Instagram? Specifically: how does it impact their collaborations?

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Focus on niche: fashion influencers

Fashion and influencer marketing go hand in hand. In fact, they seem to be made for each other. The fashion industry has been one of the biggest players in social media since its beginning. On Instagram alone, fashion accounts for 25% of all brand interactions. Now, there are more opportunities and quality influencers out there than ever, so if you are a fashion brand, why not ride the wave?

Before you get started, allow us to give you a first quick glimpse into the wonderful world of fashion influencers.

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How to be – and stay – an authentic influencer

Staying authentic is crucial for influencers. The term ‘influencer’ says it all: you have influence. No matter if you have a thousand followers or a hundred thousand, whether you do it rather unconsciously or with a lot of purposes: you directly influence a lot of people’s minds. With a huge platform comes a lot of power, but also a lot of responsibility. You can actually impact someone, and who knows, even make a change in this world.

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The ultimate guide to creating an Instagram Media Kit that works in 2021

Influo media kit

There’s no doubt about it: if you want to work with cool brands, you need to have a kick-ass media kit.

Why? Your media kit is the main tool to show yourself, your work, and its results in the best way possible. If you pay attention to detail and present yourself professionally, you will stand out from the crowd and show brands you are serious about your activities as an influencer.

Brand collaborations will follow. Pinky swear!

This guide is packed with actionable tips and will teach you everything you need to know. We’ve done all the research, so you can focus on creating your own killer Instagram media kit that will get you brand collaborations.

Pro-tip: don’t skip our pro-tips, as they are filled with truly valuable tidbits. Trust us, if they weren’t, we would have just called them ‘tips’.

Let’s dive right in!

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The struggle of influencer marketing: what not to do

Influencer marketing has quickly become the hottest form of marketing, but some brands still struggle with it. By partnering with influencers that complement your brand, you can grow your online presence, increase website traffic and even boost your sales. It looks and sounds easy enough, right?

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