Creating content at home

If the past year has taught us anything, it’s that content is everything. Forced to stay inside, all of us looked for ways to keep busy and stay entertained. A couple of lockdowns later, people are now even hungrier for new content. And it doesn’t have to be especially great or inspiring; it mainly has to distract. Why else did more than 64 million of us watch Tiger King?

We’re not saying that “distracting entertainment” should be the be-all and end-all motivation for your content (sorry, Joe Exotic); we’re just painting a picture here.

To create excellent content, every creator needs to feel inspired. And that has proven to be hard when you’re pretty much always at home. We get it. 

To help you, we’ve compiled a list of tips. Grab some paper and a pen because these suggestions will tickle your fancy and get your creative juices flowing (again).

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Why storytelling is a crucial part of every influencer campaign

From a thousand-dollar brand deal to a million-dollar Bali vacation –  when it comes to influencer marketing, we’ve seen it all. Brands had to pay more, go farther, go big, or get left behind. Extravagance was key. That’s right, was. Because like everything else in today’s fast-paced digital world, influencer culture has evolved.

As social feeds have become more saturated by sponsored posts and scarily accurate ads, brands have to do more than just catch our attention: they have to keep us engaged. 

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How does the TikTok algorithm work

The TikTok algorithm may seem a little complicated, and many people were trying to guess how to crack it, and how to go viral. But now, TikTok has finally revealed how their algorithm works. 

For creators who would like to increase engagement on their TikTok videos, this is very important to understand, so we’re sharing this information with you, together with some tips on how to use it to your advantage!

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Importance of diversity in influencer marketing

You must ensure that your brand is on the right path when it comes to inclusivity and diversity. 

If your audience does not see themselves represented in your content, they will feel unwelcome.

The risk of alienating a substantial demographic of potential consumers is high. As the expectation of fair representation grows, your brand must set inclusivity as a priority when setting up influencer marketing projects.

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Benefits of ambassadorships and long-term collaborations with influencers

In this day and age, anyone will promote anything. It’s no secret that between the slew of Flat Tummy teas and Sugar bear hairs, not everyone (slash Kardashian) on social media is as trustworthy as they may seem. Gone are the days of simple product placements and quick shout-out collaborations.

These traditional marketing tactics have become so prevalent that they are running out of juice. When it comes to your brand’s online presence in 2021, you have to do better and be better. You have to invest in the connection with your audience – a personal one, that is.

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5 ideas for creative TikTok videos

TikTok has become an unmissable part of young people’s lives, but also adults are finding their way in the world of TikTok. As a starting profile, it might be difficult to choose a target group and start making videos for them, but don’t worry. We have some ideas for you that will make you a hit in no time!

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The ultimate guide to TikTok for brands

TikTok is currently the most popular social media platform with more than 200 million downloads in 2020. The app is used by all ages, including celebrities, influencers, publishers, and of course: brands! 

Discover everything you need to know in this ultimate guide to TikTok for brands.

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Influencer marketing trends 2021

Influencer marketing trends 2021


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A post shared by Joppe De Campeneere (@joppe_dc)

@joppe_dc for Zalando

It’s no doubt that influencer marketing was a success in 2020.

To begin with, 67% of brands used influencer marketing in 2020, and 92% of the consumers showed trust in recommendations from influencers on social media above all other forms of advertising!

The influencer marketing content also delivered an 11x higher ROI than traditional forms of digital marketing.

Google searches for the term “influencer marketing” increased by 325% over the past 12 months. This indicates influencer marketing has been a go-to solution for marketers facing certain challenges caused by Covid. Cancellation of events and the lack of possibility to organize production shoots are amongst some.

Influencers created amazing content from the comfort of their own home, further proving that influencer marketing is cost-effective and that influencer’s creativity can come in handy to overbridge and fill in the needs of different marketing objectives.

But how will influencer marketing look like in 2021? 


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