How do platforms collect and share creator’s data?

Whether you are a macro, micro, or even a nano influencer, it doesn’t matter; data is essential to share with brands information about your platforms. 

What is your engagement rate? Where are your followers located? How many people do you reach on average with each post? 

This data is very important to brands. That’s why it is crucial to educate yourself on what tools and methods you want to use to allow brands to access your data from your profile.  


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Scraping vs API – what is it and why you should know the difference

Nowadays, every technological company uses data. Sometimes it is to achieve goals; sometimes, it is to do market research. Data is everything.

There are some terms behind all this that might sound very complicated, but we think it is of utmost importance you learn them and know what they mean.

The terms are “scraping” and “API.”

With all the data you’ve obtained, if it’s through web scraping or using an API, you can create beneficial insights. Data is crucial for businesses. That’s why it’s essential to choose the right tools and methods to gain any data from websites.

Nowadays, getting data using an API is increasingly gaining popularity because of its advantages.


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How to make Instagram Reels

What are Instagram Reels?

The latest video feature allows users to create and post videos of up to 15 seconds with music in the background.

If you think this sounds familiar, you’re not alone! A lot of people are comparing it to TikTok. Instagram’s latest addition is available in more than 50 countries, and they’re rapidly expanding that.

It’s a great place to share styling and fashion videos, traveling clips, beauty videos, and just about anything and everything else!

Instagram reels don’t post directly to your feed in the same way as posts and videos (although you can select this as an option) Instead, they have a separate section on your profile, in a similar way to IGTVs the shop function.


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Q&A with micro-influencer @thomieyourhomie

Recently we had a chance to focus on the topic of micro-influencers. While our previous blog post highlights the relevance of collaborating with these engaging and quality content creators, we’ve invited a micro-influencer @thomieyourhomie for an Instagram Live Q&A.

He answered some questions that should help both brands and other micro-influencers with navigating collaborations.

We’ve written down some of the most relevant questions and answers, but you are always welcome to watch the full Q&A on our IGTV.


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Why it’s important to work with micro influencers

Influencer marketing is no longer unknown territory for marketers in 2020. With the increasing use of social media and the growth of people with large numbers of loyal followers, many companies have realized that influencer marketing is a must in a brand’s marketing strategy. Working with the right type of influencers is one of the best and most effective ways to reach the specific audience you’re looking for because each influencer has a distinct and loyal following in the niche they post about.


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Using media value calculations in influencer marketing

Using media value calculations in influencer marketing

Earned media, it is everything that people tell about your brand. All the buzz that spreads itself by people who are not working in your company.

Influencer marketing is all about earned media because the influencer is promoting your product. Through the account of the influencer, your product reaches different accounts, accounts that you cannot reach with your posts on social media.


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How to recognize the right influencer for your brand

Choose the right influencer

Working with the right influencers is key to any successful influencer marketing campaign.

However, identifying the most relevant influencers for your business isn’t as simple as it might sound. 61 percent of marketers admit that finding the right influencer partnerships gives them the most difficulty, higher than any other aspect of running influencer marketing campaigns.

So, to give you a hand, we’ve created this comprehensive guide to help you identify the right influencers for your brand.


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Everything you need to know about the Instagram algorithm in 2020

Everything you need to know about the instagram algorithm

We understand Instagram can be a complicated platform to use, while the Instagram algorithm is very sophisticated.

A lot of users are frustrated with how the platform works, and the majority think Instagram “hates” them.

We’ve decided to share with you our knowledge of what exactly happens “behind the scenes.”

It may seem complicated, but we simplified all you need to know down to the basics. Regardless of your Instagram knowledge level, these tips will help you grow your account and build a community.


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The Instagram algorithm: everything you need to know – WEBINAR

We understand Instagram can be a complicated platform to use, and its algorithm is very complex.

There is a lot of frustrations amongst users with the way the platform works, and the majority think Instagram “hates” them. 

We’ve decided to share with you our knowledge of what exactly happens “behind the scenes.”

  • What is the algorithm
  • How does it work
  • How to make Instagram work in your advantage
  • What content works best
  • How to boost engagements and grow your fanbase
  • Myths and truths about the algorithm

The webinar is free and can be watched by anyone regardless of the industry. Whether you are an influencer, brand, or agency, our webinar will help you master the algorithm and become a real pro!

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Cake with: @marthevdh

In the “Cake with” series, we chat over some cake, with influencers and creators about life and the influencer industry.

This time, we chat with Marthe about her life as an influencer and running her own jewelry brand Subtile.


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