Influencer-generated content, or IGC, offers you a constant stream of high-quality authentic content for your own branded marketing channels. Almost 93% of brands already use content marketing to up their social engagement.

So it’s no wonder that brands are constantly on the lookout for new ways to repurpose content.

What is repurposing IGC?

When repurposing IGC, you can take a video, picture, or quote and re-use that content to engage with your own audience. Repurposing content gives you the opportunity to reach an additional audience on different channels that accompanies different points in the customer journey. 

10 benefits of repurposing content

On which channels should you repurpose the content?

The benefits of using IGC are racking up, so let’s take a look at the different ways you can repurpose IGC. You can use them for a wide range of branded channels. Influencers are the key to the customer’s heart, so don’t hold back on using IGC. Flaunt it on all of your branded marketing channels.

  1. Social media

It’s no secret that as a brand you need to be active on social media, from Facebook to Instagram. To stay on top-of-mind with your customers, you need to post constantly and consistently. Therefore repurposing IGC is a great way to have a stock of high-quality content that you can post whenever. 

  1. Online ads

When using ads as a brand, you can target a specific niche of people using highly personalized ads. But most brands lack the number of content necessary that will resonate with the audience on an individual level when hyper-targeting customers. IGC solves this problem. As a brand, you can rely on influencer content to power your paid ads by producing a large and diverse repository of content. Ads made by advertising agencies often tend to feel less authentic; influencer content is a different story. By using pictures of real people the ads have a lot more credibility.
  1. On  your website

A well-branded website connects the brand to your audience in an organic way. Using influencer content on your website makes the site more relatable because it adds a human element to your product. The content of influencers gives your customers real-life examples of how your product will look and can be used. When scrolling a site, customers are looking for cues of people they can trust before making a purchase. You can do this by adding IGC in the design of your site, like for example on the homepage or a separate tab (landing page) with testimonials from influencers.

  1. Newsletter and customer mails

Getting people to click-through on your mailing campaigns is not an easy task, any marketing manager can tell you that. By using real names, faces and stories, and testimonials of real people, the content of your mail is more convincing and more attention-grabbing and therefore has higher click-through rates and opening rates.  IGC offers the ultimate social proof. This is why 40 % of marketers already use it in their emails

Mailchimp even reported that segmented emails receive 14% more opens and 101% more clicks than unsegmented ones. Adding influencer content to your emails or newsletters gives you the opportunity to endlessly personalize your emails. If you have a segmented mailing list you can even target the customers with influencers that suit their style and norms.

  1. Print

When looking in magazines or newspapers the pictures often seem kind of staged. Using influencer content to advertise in print of infomercials the credibility goes up and by adding extra testimonials of trusted influencers, this only grows even more.

What to keep in mind when repurposing influencer content?

  • When setting up a campaign you can ask influencers to create content for your brand and send them some guidelines to steer them in a certain direction that fits your brand. 
  • It’s crucial to keep in mind that the general agreement on content-repurposing is that the content only gets used on your brand’s social media channels. 
  • When you want to use the content they created for other purposes, such as ads, print, or in other marketing channels, make sure to communicate about this to the creator and renegotiate the terms of your collaboration. 
  • When using their content on your channel it’s also a good idea to tag or mention their name. This way you make the influencer feel appreciated and makes your content feel more authentic.

Repurposing influencer-generated content is a must to implement in your marketing strategy because of the credibility that comes with their content, the personalization opportunities, and the economization of time and money, while still remaining a high level of quality.

Influo offers you a platform to connect with influencers that can make high-quality content just for you. Set up your campaign now and benefit from amazing influencer-generated content!