If the past year has taught us anything, it’s that content is everything. Forced to stay inside, all of us looked for ways to keep busy and stay entertained. A couple of lockdowns later, people are now even hungrier for new content. And it doesn’t have to be especially great or inspiring; it mainly has to distract. Why else did more than 64 million of us watch Tiger King?

We’re not saying that “distracting entertainment” should be the be-all and end-all motivation for your content (sorry, Joe Exotic); we’re just painting a picture here.

To create excellent content, every creator needs to feel inspired. And that has proven to be hard when you’re pretty much always at home. We get it. 

To help you, we’ve compiled a list of tips. Grab some paper and a pen because these suggestions will tickle your fancy and get your creative juices flowing (again).


Believe it or not – no, actually, believe it -, but you can perfectly repurpose old content and make it feel “fresh.”

Go through your profile and find out which content worked well; is it something that’s been a while and wouldn’t be too noticeable to repost? Or something that you can give a topical spin? Paint in a different light? Consider other angles and what your audience can take away from them.

There’s also the possibility to freshen up your repost in editing by using a new filter, adding an animation, making a collage, etc.

Or find another image from that same photo shoot, trip, or moment, and use that!

Side note: given our current situation, it goes without saying that now isn’t the time to post a lot of throwbacks to tropical vacations or fun parties.



We’re all just basically sitting at home, looking for things to do. Many of us are curious to see how others are spending all of their time. Well, you know your audience best: depending on your followers, have a good think about what they could use your help with. How can you inspire them?

If you’re a mommy blogger, how about some tips on how to keep the kids busy? Toy recommendations, advice on where you can take the kids for a corona-proof day out, sharing relatable parenting stories with your followers, doing a Q&A, etc.

If you’re a beauty or lifestyle blogger: a nice flat lay is easily done and never hurt anybody! Or how about a video on your updated skincare routine, a home office tour, a book, or Netflix recommendations…

And of course, the one thing we can basically all share right now: the best location to go for your umpteenth walk this weekend!


Creating content from home can seem overwhelming and exhaustible, but all it really takes is an open mind and a willingness to try new things. 

This is the time to experiment with everything social media has to offer. Don’t look at it as ‘limiting’; look at it as an opportunity! The best way to find out what your audience wants is by testing some things. New formats, new tools, and new styles!

For example, live streams have been rising in popularity since the start of covid, as they make your followers feel connected at the moment. It’s a great way to increase engagement; you can easily upload the whole live stream to your IGTV afterward and post it on your feed as well. 

Bring in other creators or people you genuinely find interesting, as they will probably repost the content as well, which might get you a nice boost in reach. You can produce this as much you want; anything goes: from a quick, spontaneous chat to hosting a well-thought-out interview. Consider yourself the next Oprah! 


In the land of video, TikTok is king. It is simply the place to be right now. It’s fast, it’s easy, it’s free, and everyone and their mother is on it. TikTok is filled to the brim with fresh user-generated content, so it’s a great place to get inspired and return the favor.

It seems like there’s a new trend on the app every single day, so immerse yourself and start creating. On top of that, you can also share your TikTok’s on other platforms to truly get the most out of your content.

Plus, there is so much to watch and learn on the app; it will keep you busy and entertained for a while – trust us!


Always stay updated on what’s trending and hop on the trends relevant to your followers. It’s easy, snackable content that just works. Not only on TikTok but the internet in general. 

Make sure you are up-to-date on what’s trending online. Remember the Bernie-at-the-inauguration meme? Because it was so easy to edit, it spread like wildfire. Pretty much every brand, creator, and influencer quickly photoshopped their own version of it. It was a great opportunity to show off that you knew your internet, were creative, and acted fast. An account like that is worth a follow.


If you’re really running low on inspiration, which is hard to believe after this blog post, have a look at what your peers are doing. How are they staying relevant and creating fresh content?

And last but definitely not least: ask your followers. You know them; they know you. Use the tools on your platform to interact with them and get them involved. It’s a great way to receive some new inspiration or feedback, and it strengthens your community.


Feel inspired? Ready to start creating? Took plenty of notes? Please tag us and let us know if you’ve used some of our tips, check out our Hub for more relevant content, and follow us to stay inspired!