Finding the right influencer match for your brand is the first – and most important – step. But as we all know, it is a very oversaturated market that can be hard to navigate.

Want to finetune your radar? Allow us to share our knowledge, as this blog post will clearly explain how you can find the perfect match. By the last sentence, you’ll know exactly what and who to look for.

Know what you want to achieve

In order to get the best ROI from your influencer marketing campaign, it’s important to have your strategy all figured out. Before you start, you have to know what your biggest goal is. What do you want to achieve: brand awareness, more traffic, push sales, or other goals?

This overall objective allows you to narrow the tier of creators you can look at. If you simply want more scope, you can go for the influencer with thousands of followers. If you want to target a niche audience, turn to the smaller creators. It all depends on who you want to reach and what you want to achieve.

Start by selecting those who already love you

There are literally thousands – if not millions – of influencers out there, so you have to start narrowing your search down immediately. The best way to do this, is by making a selection of those who already love your brand and thus are already talking about you. An easy way to find them, for example, is through your hashtags.

Then, look for the high-quality content creators. Go for the ones who share your brand’s values and whose (visual) content matches your overall aesthetic.

Another option is to use our advanced search tool. It allows you to filter through a selection of high-quality content creators and find your match in about 1-2-3 clicks. Sign up for free and try it out now.

Look at the right metrics

Before you get fixated on the statistics, scroll through the influencer’s feed. Though it’s time-consuming, it will tell you more about their content and how aligned it is with your brand.

Since they are a direct connection to your audience, it’s important to get a sense of their consumerism. Check their existing brand deals and how much of their content is already sponsored. Influencers that have less sponsorships are usually more trusted because they appear more authentic, as opposed to influencers who only post sponsored content.

Also, have a look at their engagement. How interactive are they with their audience and vice versa? This is often the best indication of how relatable people find the influencer and their content. You want to look for an active community, because everything is more credible when the influencer is actually relatable.

On the Influo platform, every influencer has their own media kit with all the info you need. It tells you all you need to know: their engagement and followers, but also other clients, previous sponsorships, etc. In short: all the necessary info to find the right match, summarized in one bite-sized page.

Ready, set, launch!

Now that you’ve selected your influencers, it’s time to contact them. Some of the next steps involve briefing, negotiating payment or other compensation, discussing timing, … If you’ve never done this before, these steps can be quite time-consuming. Assuming, of course, that the interest is mutual.

Influo has everything you need for a successful influencer marketing campaign and finding the right influencer match. And we truly mean everything: from start to finish, from briefing to report. You can set up your entire campaign on our platform, keep track and even get an informative summary afterward, so you can learn and improve (if needed).

Think long-term

The key to maximizing influencer partnerships is to have a clear strategy for ongoing activation. Influencers are full-on marketeers at this point, so don’t just consider them ‘a one-off post’. If you want their audience to engage with your brand on a deeper level, you have to invest time in them.

The easiest way to do this is to start an ambassador program. Not sure who to choose as your very own brand ambassador, or how to go about it? Influo’s success coaches will gladly help you get started and provide you with plenty of personalized advice and tips along the way.

Let Influo help you

As you can already tell: it takes a lot to find the right influencer. That’s why we’d like to help. At Influo, we’ve perfected our radar and we currently have over 5000 top influencers looking to connect. It’s a wide range of diverse and differently sized profiles, but most importantly: all of them have been approved by our specialists. That’s right: we screen every creator to see if they meet our requirements, and we’ll only work with high-quality influencers. 

Basically, we save brands a lot of time by presenting them with a pre-selection. Set up your profile for free and have a look around, or contact us!