If you’re looking for a sign that you should start making video content, consider this it.

Video marketing isn’t new but it is the way to stand out right now, as the marketing landscape is overcrowded and there’s a constant content overload going on. It has been proven that our attention span has evolved to be shorter than that of a goldfish, so now more than ever, content has to be truly compelling and entertaining or informative. Otherwise, it just disappears in the mountain of overload.

Logically, video content continues to grow because messages in motion are more engaging and lead to a higher retention rate. They are snack-sized, engaging, and memorable. Videos have thus become a critical and indispensable part of any marketing strategy. Plus, you can’t deny that it’s easier and more fun to watch a video than sit and read text, right?

If we haven’t already convinced you by now, allow us to persuade you why now is the time to focus on and capitalize on the power of video content.

Video boosts conversion rates and sales

With video, viewers have the option of actively ‘choosing’ content rather than just passively receiving it. By choosing to play a video, a viewer is already showing interest in a product or service. A compelling video can then convert a visitor into a lead, possibly even a customer.

A few statistics to prove this point:

  • Simply including a video on your landing page can boost conversions by over 86 %
  • Video in an email leads to a 200-300% increase in click-through rate
  • Studies show that 74% of users who watched an explainer video about a product subsequently bought it

Given that vision is our most dominant sense, the effectiveness of video is actually quite logical. In fact, visuals are processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text. So if one picture is worth a thousand words, can you imagine how much a video would be?


Video builds trust and credibility

Video enables you to connect with your viewer in a more personal way. It’s an increasingly powerful way to communicate your brand’s story and build a relationship with your audience of (possible) consumers. Video can help build and reinforce trust between a business and a consumer, as it enhances your brand’s identity.

Each informative or educative video helps build the foundation of trust between business and consumer. And credibility and trust eventually translate to sales: 90% of users say that product videos are helpful in the decision process and 64% of customers say that seeing a video makes them more likely to buy.

Video encourages social shares

We live in the age of ‘viral videos’, and how do videos go viral? That’s right: by sharing them. There is nothing more shareable than a good video. On average, 92% of mobile video consumers share videos with others. Plus, video on social media generates 1200% more shares than text and images combined.

Staggering statistics, which we literally see confirmed in the success of TikTok, amongst others.


Search engines love video

Search engines look for high engagement, and nothing engages more than a solid video.

Not only that: YouTube is not simply a website, it is the second-largest search engine after Google. So by uploading your video on YouTube as well as your website, you already increase your visibility enormously. On top of that, if you then promote said video on your socials, your chances of being found online go through the roof.


Creators as your video production team

You can benefit from creators’ and influencers’ knowledge and expertise if you need video content but lack resources to set up and organize your own video productions. On top of that, consumers generally respond more positively to creator content than vdeo content produced by brands.

It’s thus a great idea to invest in video content and video marketing to increase your visibility. Join our Influo platform for free now and start looking for great creators to help you!