In modern life, food has transcended its purpose. Where it used to be about survival, we now hunt for gastronomic experiences and photogenic opulence. From the ooziest egg yolk to the most mouthwatering cheese pull: both eating and preparing food have become recreational activities and entertainment favorites.

Chefs are now full-on celebrities, cookbooks are a part of all of our interiors, and everyone and their mother has tried the famous TikTok feta pasta recipe – admit it. In short: the food industry is booming and with it its influencers.

We’ve stated it before, and we’ll keep repeating it because it is so damn powerful: 92 % of consumers say they trust the recommendations of their friends, relatives, and influencers more than any other form of advertising. And when it comes to food, this ‘word-of-mouth marketing’ can be taken quite literally.

No matter where you or your company are in the ‘food chain’, the visual nature of food-related content makes it attractive for a wide range of audiences. This makes food influencers and their following very relevant to the food industry.

To help you prep, we’ve gathered some tips on starting a food influencer campaign and creating delicious, snackable content together.

Choose the right influencers

The people you choose will represent your brand, so finding a good match is vital. It’s an oversaturated landscape, so we’ve started by making a practical guide on how to find the exact right influencer for your brand.

Focus on the visuals (but never forget the copy)

As we stated above, food on its own is, most of the time, already visually appealing. But don’t underestimate the power of a nice setting and solid photography. There’s a reason why a food stylist is a full-fledged profession these days. Given the huge amount of competition, you want your pictures to pop. Make sure that your visual content is crisp, well-thought-out, and high-quality.

Next, your caption has to deliver as well. No matter how good the picture, if the copy is boring or inauthentic, the strength of your image doesn’t come across. Consider it seasoning your dish: all ingredients and flavors have to reinforce, complement, and lift each other up.

Involve the audience

More interaction means more traction. Instead of simply promoting your product on socials, try to involve your audience and get them to share your story as well. How? By implementing a reward factor, like hosting a giveaway or contest. This, combined with the power of an influencer, is the ultimate shareable campaign. Everyone wants free food, duh.


We’re all confronted with food every single day, as we have to eat to survive. This makes it one of the most amazing subjects to market, with lots of possibilities. Get creative – especially when it comes to food influencers.

Diversify your influencer marketing; meaning think big. There are the obvious options, some of which we’ve mentioned before: product placements, sponsorships, product reviews, giveaways, contests, etc. But don’t forget about the power of video, or how about co-creating a beautiful cookbook à la Ottolenghi? The world is your oyster. Bon appétit.